Every marriage runs the risk of infidelity because that is the innate, biological nature of men’s sexuality.
As a society, we refuse to acknowledge the truth about human sexuality. As a result, we are responsible for maximizing the emotional pain wives and children suffer when the men they love are caught having sex outside their marriages. Why? Because we continue to believe that shaming and humiliating men like Arnold Schwarzenegger will stop other men from behaving in the same manner. I hate to tell you folks: It’s not working. The fact is, there’s a burning sexual instinct pulsating inside most viral, heterosexual men to pursue strange sex whether they are married or not; and, until our culture acknowledges that biological truth and decides to begin the dialogue from that standpoint, we will be complicit in perpetrating the emotional upheaval caused by what is a naturally occurring, human sexual instinct.
Our only power in a situation that is dictated by Mother Nature is to acknowledge its reality, study it to understand it and to change our response to it. We can’t stop tornadoes by condemning them but we can work on understanding them to minimize their impact. Why don’t we do the same for human sexuality? Why do we insist on keep ourselves trapped in the dark ages?